Green View

Green View invites you to inwardly experience the natural beauty of planet Earth; feel, see and appreciate God's creation. God adorned the world with beautiful mountains, rolling hills and green pastures. He coloured the landscape with lush green forestry and blossomed flowers of diverse hues. He opened vast oceans, deep blue sea, sparkling streams and flowing rivers. Through the sun and the moon he created night and day .

However, today planet Earth's existence has become precarious due to environmental issues such as global warming and forest destructions which have an impact on climate change and ecological system respectively.

Green View aims to raise awareness of the global environmental challenges that our planet faces and gives you insight into how man can protect and preserve our mother Earth.

At an individual level, Green View gives information resource on green living in the home and community, so that you can adopt a green lifestyle that will sustain our planet and preserve it for future generations.

Click on the images below for information on 'Green Earth'

Quranic quotes




Trees & Plants


Water & Air

Water & Air

Global Effects

Global Effects

